In Vitro and Ex Vivo Integration Site Analysis of LV GLOBE in Human HSPCs
(A) Human versus mouse chimerism and VCN evaluation in the BM of transplanted NSG mice at the end of the study. (B) Read count distribution per single IS obtained in pre-transplant transduced CB CD34+ cells and in the different BMs of transplanted mice at the end of the study. The gray color indicates a read count lower than 1% of the total trimmed reads, whereas the other colors indicate a read count higher than 1%. ID numbers for each IS are indicated in the boxes. In the study, no ISs with a read count greater than 1% were shared among the individual transplanted mice. (C) Shown on the left and right, respectively, are chord diagrams indicating the shared ISs among the different samples, including or not including the pre-transplant CB CD34+ cells.