Table 2.
Summary of recent adult studies that found significant associations between ambient and traffic-related exposures with metabolic dysfunction
Reference | Study Design | Location | Sample Size | Pollutants with Significant Associations* | Main Findings |
Honda et. al. (2017) | Longitudinal | USA (Regions: North Atlantic, South, Great Lakes region, Plains States, Pacific) | 4,121 | PM2.5, NO2 | ↑ HbA1c |
Wallwork et. al. (2017) | Longitudinal | Eastern Massachusetts, southern New Hampshire, and southern Maine, USA | 587 | PM2.5 | ↑ Fasting glucose, ↑ Hypertriglyceridemia, ↑ Risk of developing metabolic syndrome |
Brook et (2016) | Panel study (longitudinal) | Beijing Area, China | 65 | PM2.5, BC | ↑ HOMA-IR |
Chen L et. al. (2016) | Longitudinal | Kailuan community, Tangshan City, China | 27,685 | NO2, PM10, SO2 | ↑ Fasting glucose |
Chen Z et. al. (2016) | Cross-sectional | Southern California, USA | 1,023 | NO2, PM2.5 | ↑ Fasting glucose, ↑ Fasting insulin, ↑ HOMA-IR, ↓SI, ↓ HDL-to-LDL cholesterol ratio |
Jiang et. al. (2016) | Cross-sectional | Urban residential area in Shanghai, China | 371 | PM2.5, Residential distance to major road | ↑ Fasting insulin, ↑ HOMA-IR, ↑ LDL-C |
Liu et. al. (2016) | Cross-sectional | China (nationally representative sample) | 11,847 | PM2.5 | ↑ Fasting glucose, ↑HbA1C |
Peng et. al. (2016) | Longitudinal | Greater Boston Area, MA, USA | 551 | PM2.5 | ↑ Fasting glucose, ↑ Odds of IFG |
Sade et. al. (2016) | Cross-sectional | southern Israel | 73,117 | PM10, PM2.5 | ↑ Fasting glucose, ↑ HbA1C, ↑ LDL, ↑ TAG, ↓ HDL |
Wolf et. al. (2016) | Cross-sectional | Augsburg, Germany and two adjacent rural counties (southern Germany) | 2,944 | PM10, PMcoarse,PM2.5, NO2, NOx | ↑ HOMA-IR, ↑ Fasting glucose, ↑Fasting insulin |
Eze et. al. (2015) | Cross-sectional | Eight Swiss communities representing a wide range of environmental conditions in Switzerland | 3,769 | PM10, | ↑ Odds of MetS-W, MetS-I and MetS-A, ↑ Impaired fasting glycemia, |
Sade et. al. (2015) | Longitudinal | southern Israel | 131,882 | NO2, SO2 | ↑ Fasting glucose |
Brook et. al. (2013) | Experimental | Michigan, USA | 25 | Environmental Mixture (only PM2.5 measured) | ↑ HOMA-IR, ↓ Heart rate variability |
Teichert et. al. (2013) | Cross-sectional | North-Rhine Westphalia (West Germany) | 363 | NO2, NOx | ↑ Odds impaired glucose metabolism (IFG+T2D) |
Summarizes the main findings from adult studies between 2012 and 2017 that were included in this review. Pollutants listed are those found to be significantly associated with at least one measure of metabolic dysfunction. BC: black carbon, HbA1c: hemoglobin A1C, HDL: high density lipoprotein, HOMA-IR: homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance, IFG: impaired fasting glucose, LDL: low density lipoprotein, NO2: nitrogen dioxide, PM: particulate matter, SI: insulin sensitivity, SO2: sulfur dioxide, TAG: triglycerides; MetS: metabolic syndrome, T2D: type 2 diabetes.
Statistically significant associations at a p-value <0.05.