Fig. 2.
Vascular network formation after human iPS cell-derived engineered cardiac tissues (hiPSC-ECTs) transplantation onto a rat myocardial infarction model. a cTnT immunostaining for lectin (represents perfused vasculature)-perfused rat heart 4 weeks after implantation of hiPSC-ECTs. (i) Lower magnification image. (ii) and (iii) Higher magnification images. Perfused vasculature among (ii) and at central area (iii) of regenerated myocardium (arrows). b vWF (endothelial cell marker) and HNA double immunostaining. (i) Lower magnification image. White arrows indicate promoted capillary formation around grafted tissue. Orange arrows indicate penetrating vasculature. White dotted line indicates vasculature in the center of grafted tissue. (ii) and (iii) Higher magnification images. (ii) Prominent host-derived (HNA−) vascular formation around regenerated myocardium. (iii) chimeric vasculature composed of both host (HNA−; orange arrow) and graft (HNA+; white arrows) vascular cells. cTnT, cardiac troponin-T; DAPI, 4, 6 diamidino-2-phenylindole; LV, left ventricle; vWF, von Willebrand factor; HNA, human nucleic antigen. Scale bars 1 mm in (a) (i), 200 μm in (b) (i), 100 μm in (a) (ii, iii), 50 μm in (b) (ii), 20 μm in (b) (iii). Referred from reference no. 5 with modifications