Figure 3.
Hsp83, Cdc37, and InR Interact in PLA Assays
(A) A schematic representation of the proximity ligation assay performed on S2 cells (refer to Experimental Procedures).
(B) In situ PLA assay among Hsp83, Cdc37, and InRintra in S2 cells. S2 cells transfected with two of the indicated plasmids (Myc, HA, Myc-Hsp83, HA-InRintra, Myc-Cdc37, and HA-Hsp83) were stained for HA, Myc, and DNA and screened for PLA signal. Cell outline was determined by differential interference contrast images.
(C) Graphs showing the percentage of S2 cells with no PLA signal, and weak (≤10 foci), moderate (11–30 foci), and strong (>30 foci) PLA signals for (B).
Scale bars, 4 μm.