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. 2018 Oct 4;15:E121. doi: 10.5888/pcd15.170570

Table 1. Characteristics of Study Sample (N = 1,136), by Nativity, Imputed Totals, Men’s Health Initiative, New York City, 2010–2014.

Characteristic Nativity
P Valuea
Total (N = 1,136) US-born (n = 829) Foreign-born (n = 311)
Mean age, y (SD)b 57.6 (6.6) 56.8 (6.2) 59.8 (7.3) <.001
No. of years in the United States NA NA 25.0 (13.0) NA
Proportion (SD) of life lived in the United States 0.84 (0.28) 1.00 0.42 (0.22) NA
Language spoken at home, %
English 91.5 97.8 74.4 <.001
Some other language 8.5 2.2 25.6
Religion, %
Christianity 74.7 73.5 77.9 <.001
Islam 13.8 15.9 8.1
Atheist/agnostic 8.8 9.1 8.1
Other 2.7 1.6 5.8
Marital status, %
Married or partnered 26.2 18.7 46.4 <.001
Divorced or separated 29.3 29.6 28.6
Widowed 7.6 8.1 6.2
Never married 36.9 43.7 18.8
Socioeconomic Status
Education, %
Less than high school 31.6 30.6 34.1 .002
High school graduate 38.0 39.8 33.1
Some college 18.4 19.4 15.6
College or higher 12.1 10.1 17.2
Employment status, %
Employed 27.9 24.7 36.4 <.001
Unemployed 44.2 45.0 41.9
Retired 13.9 13.4 15.3
Unable to work 13.8 16.5 6.5
Other 0.3 0.4 0.0
HUD poverty levelc, %
Extremely low (≤30%) 76.0 76.7 74.0 .13
Very low (31%–50%) 13.8 12.9 16.2
Low (51%–80%) 5.6 5.2 6.8
>80% 4.6 5.2 2.9
Access to Care
Has a personal doctor, %
Yes, one or more 59.5 61.2 54.9 .05
No 40.6 38.8 45.1
Has insurance, %
Yes 77.6 85.0 57.5 <.001
No 22.4 15.0 42.5
GBMMS Suspicion Subscore (SD) 2.25 (0.83) 2.23 (0.82) 2.32 (0.84) .10
Health-Related Behaviors
Servings per day of fruits and vegetables, %
None 3.7 3.7 3.6 .84
1–4 67.1 67.6 65.9
≥5 29.2 28.7 30.5
Physical activity, IPAQ (short) category, %d
Low 23.8 22.6 27.3 .05
Moderate 24.9 24.0 27.3
High 51.3 53.4 45.4
Didn’t get health care when needed, % 29.3 29.8 27.9 .54
Smoking status, %
Never 21.6 15.4 38.0 <.001
Current smoker 54.0 63.1 29.6
Former smoker 24.5 21.5 32.5
Has more than 2 alcoholic drinks/d, % 5.5 6.2 3.6 .09
Aware of high blood pressure, % 66.7 70.0 57.8 <.001

Abbreviations: GBMMS, Group-Based Medical Mistrust Scale; HUD, US Department of Housing and Urban Development; IPAQ-S, International Physical Activity Questionnaire, short form; NA, not applicable; SD, standard deviation.


P values calculated using χ2 tests, except where indicated.


Age averages and SDs are reported as unweighted. P value calculated using simple linear regression.


Determined by % of median income.


Low was defined as not meeting criteria for either moderate or vigorous activity; moderate as participating in at least 20 min/d of vigorous activity on 3 or more d/wk or at least 30 min/d of moderate activity on at least 5 d/wk; and high as participating in vigorous activity on 3 or more d/wk.