(a) Tractography studies in the literature (such as Hosey et al., 2008, as shown) show secondary thalamic
radiations crossing the primary corticospinal tract in the internal capsule (red
box). The white box demarcates a representative crossing scenario. (b) In the
current study, the internal capsule exhibits a positive association of both
tissue fractional anisotropy (FAt) and tissue mode of anisotropy (MOt) with age,
which implies an increasingly linear tensor shape with age. (b) Bedpostx
tractography suggests this increase in FAt and MOt with age may be due to
selective degeneration of secondary crossing fibres: Secondary fibres exhibit
greater decline with age than primary fibres in these regions. Abbreviations:
FAt, tissue fractional anisotropy; MOt, tissue mode of anisotropy.