(A) The 1H-NMR spectral trajectories; (B) the PCA score plots shows that the hUCBP samples (a well-defined cluster) and the FBS samples (also a well-defined cluster) are less divergent now (they all have a very close PC1 score) and (C) respective loading plots illustrate that the main differences between the hUCBP and FBS data are due to different concentrations of particular amino acids (alanine, glutamate, isoleucine, leucine, and valine) and organic acids and derivatives (N-acetyl residues, 3- hydroxybutyric acid, and creatine) in the spectral region from 3.3 ppm to 0.5 ppm. For spectral area between 9.0 ppm to 3.3 ppm (with excluded glucose) the metabolites profiles of the three groups (hUCBP, FBS_I and FBS_II samples) are very similar.