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. 2018 Oct 10;13(10):e0204561. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0204561

Table 1. The length (in bp) of the analyzed DNA regions in units detected within the C. azurea complex and the related taxa.

Species rbcL trnG trnL trnL1 trnH-psbA cp all ITS2
C. azurea
European clade
635 658 295 295 225 1813 505–507
C. azurea
North American clade
635 649–656 295 295 225 1804–1811 480–500
C. sinensis 635 656 295 295 225 1811 499–501
C. orientalis 635 656–657 295 295 225 1811–1812 498
C. peruviana 635 658 295 295 225 1813 498–501
C. granulata 635 656 295 295 225 1811 496
C. tosana 635 656 295 295 225 1811 -
C. aeruginosa - - 295 - - - -
C. lunata - - 295 - - - -
Alignment length 635 659 295 295 225 1814 513
Conserved sites 614 623 271 271 206 1727 475
Variable sites (V) 21 35 24 16 19 86 33
Parsi-info sites (P) 21 32 18 16 17 81 30
% Parsi-info 3.31% 4.86% 6.10% 5.42% 7.56% 4.47% 5.85%
Singleton sites (S) 0 3 6 0 2 5 3

1The data set with C. aeruginosa and C. lunata.