EcR Mediates Larval to Pupal Transition as Identified by Perturbation Sequencing
(A) Schematic overview of the genotypes and time points taken for perturbation sequencing. The images are confocal Z-projections of adult MB γ neurons labeled with mCD8-GFP (GFP) driven by 71G10-GAL4 (71G10) additionally expressing the indicated transgenes and counterstained with FasII antibody (magenta). Scale bar represents 15 μm.
(B) Quantification showing the number of genes affected by each TF perturbation at each developmental time point as compared to WT.
(C) Principal-component analysis (PCA) of the expression profiles of WT and perturbed MB γ neurons throughout development. Colors demarcate the developmental time, while the shape of each icon represents its genotype.