Toward a Temporal Understanding of the Expression Landscape that Underlies Neuronal Remodeling of MB γ Neurons
(A) Boxplot analyses of sub-clusters IVa–c. The average normalized relative gene expression of the WT samples is depicted by the dashed line. Boxplots of the normalized relative gene expression for each one of the perturbations in each time point are shown. Box centers indicate the median, and the bottom and top edges indicate the 25th and 75th percentiles, respetively. The whiskers extend to the most extreme data points not considered as outleirs (99.3% coverage if the data is noramlly distributed). Statistical significance was determined (∗∗∗p < 0.001; see STAR Methods) but only shown in cases where the average fold change >2 and thus more likely to also be biologically significant. The hierarchal regulation of each sub-cluster, as inferred from the data, is presented schematically where the temporal dimension is represented by the shades of blue of the arrows. On the right, we label selected groups of genes that are functionally related and enriched within the sub-cluster. Numbers (x/y) represent the number of genes from the functional group within the sub-cluster / the number of genes from the functional group within the parent cluster.
(B) A schematic model based on data presented and analyzed in Figures 6 and 7 and Table S5, describing the temporal regulation or specific transcription modules by the indicated TFs. GO terms with genes that have a known function in remodeling are highlighted in italics. The temporal dimension is represented by the color of the arrows.