Figure 3.
Distinct TFs Set Up the Active Distal Regulatory Landscape Underlying Astroglial Differentiation
(A) Workflow that includes the outline of the computational pipeline for how and which TFs were selected, as well as the follow-up experimental part, including knockdown of these TFs and accompanied phenotypic and/or marker analysis.
(C–D) Venn diagram depicting the overlap of motifs that are enriched at unique H3K27ac peaks, including promoters, in aNPC and nNPC (A), eA and eN (B), and lA and lN (C). Shown inset are two representative motifs from each set.
(E–I) Profile plots representing H3K27ac enrichment at the genomic location of the motifs of the respective TFs within the scope of the unique H3K27ac peaks in eA (Nfia and Atf3 in E and F) and lA (Stat3, Prdm9, and Runx2 in G–I) upon depletion of TFs. The enrichment is depicted as a log two-fold change above the genomic input.
(J–L) UCSC browser track example from (E), (F), and (I).