FIG 8.
Western blot analysis of expression of ACP in outer membranes (OM) of N. meningitidis strain MC58 and N. gonorrhoeae strain P9-17. OM of N. meningitidis strain MC58 and N. gonorrhoeae strain P9-17 were probed independently with rabbit antisera to rNg-ACP (rabbit 1 and rabbit 2) and with cross-reacting antibody to rNm-ACP in Western blotting, and protein levels were expressed as ratios of the densitometry of band intensity compared to a constitutively expressed dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase (LPDA) OM protein. The columns represent the mean ratios of results from n = 3 experiments with the rabbit antisera to rNg-ACP and n = 3 experiments with the rabbit antisera to rNm-ACP and the error bars the standard deviations. Data were analyzed by two-sample t test (assuming equal variances), with P values of <0.05 denoting significance.