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. 2018 Oct 10;3(5):e00331-18. doi: 10.1128/mSphere.00331-18


Crystal structure of rNg-ACP: data collection and refinement statisticsa

Parameter Result(s)
Data collection statistics
    Space group C121
    Unit cell parameters
        a, b, c 49.1 Å, 31.0 Å, 67.6 Å
        α, β, γ 90°, 103.5°, 90°
    X-ray source and wavelength ID23-1–11.562 keV (1.0723 Å)
    Resolution range (Å) 32.86–1.65 (1.68–1.65)
    Multiplicity 7.6 (7.7)
    I/sigma(I) 14.4 (6.4)
    CC1/2 0.993 (0.987)
    Total no. of reflections 91,765 (4567)
    No. of unique reflections 12,098 (593)
    Completeness (%) 99.9 (99.8)
    R merge 0.088 (0.170)
    R p.i.m. 0.034 (0.066)
Refinement statistics
    No. of protein residues 102
    Rwork 0.125
    Rfree (5.0% data) 0.179
    No. of nonhydrogen atoms 1,645
    Mean overall B (Å) 25.5
    RMSD from overall values
        Bond distance (Å) 0.0148
        Bond angle (degrees) 1.783
    Ramachandran (fav/acc/out) (84/2/0)
    PDB accession code 6GQ4

Values for the high-resolution shell are shown in parentheses in the second column.