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. 2018 Oct 10;3(5):e00331-18. doi: 10.1128/mSphere.00331-18


Determination of Ng-ACP allele in isolates of the Neisseria gonorrhoeae CDCP/FDA collectiona

AR-Bank no. GC no. Sanger run
accession no.
Sanger strain no. Pubmlst/
Neisseria ID
Level of Ng-ACP
protein expression
relative to P9-17
165 GC-01 ERR854938 12CFX_T_043 37079 10 High
166 GC-02 ERR854921 12CFX_T_026 37062 10 Low
167 GC-03 ERR855352 12AZI_T_002 37507 10 Low
168 GC-04 ERR854924 12CFX_T_029 37065 10 Low
169 GC-05 ERR854922 12CFX_T_027 37063 10 Similar
170 GC-06 ERR854897 12CFX_T_001 37037 10 Low
171 GC-07 ERR854937 12CFX_T_042 37078 10 Low
172 GC-08 ERR854906 12CFX_T_010 37046 10 Low
173 GC-09 ERR854907 12CFX_T_011 37047 10 Similar
174 GC-10 ERR854900 12CFX_T_004 37040 10 High
175 GC-11 ERR855365 12AZI_T_015 37520 10 Low
176 GC-12 ERR854869 12CFX_T_045 37081 10 Low
177 GC-13 ERR855355 12AZI_T_005 37510 6 High
178 GC-14 ERR855325 12AZI_C_010 37480 10 Low
179 GC-15 ERR855356 12AZI_T_006 37511 6 High
180 GC-16 ERR854913 12CFX_T_017 37053 10 Similar
181 GC-17 ERR855357 12AZI_T_007 37512 6 High
182 GC-18 ERR854870 12CFX_T_047 37083 10 Low
183 GC-19 ERR854902 12CFX_T_006 37042 10 Low
184 GC-20 ERR854916 12CFX_T_020 37056 10 Similar
185 GC-21 ERR854898 12CFX_T_002 37038 10 Low
186 GC-22 ERR854919 12CFX_T_023 37059 10 Similar
187 GC-23 ERR855360 12AZI_T_010 37515 10 Low
188 GC-24 ERR854932 12CFX_T_037 37073 10 High
189 GC-25 ERR854903 12CFX_T_007 37043 10 Low
190 GC-26 ERR854936 12CFX_T_041 37077 10 Similar
191 GC-27 ERR854899 12CFX_T_003 37039 10 Low
192 GC-28 ERR854917 12CFX_T_021 37057 10 High
193 GC-29 ERR855351 12AZI_T_001 37506 10 Similar
194 GC-30 ERR854905 12CFX_T_009 37045 10 High
195 GC-31 ERR854928 12CFX_T_033 37069 10 High
196 GC-32 ERR854927 12CFX_T_032 37068 6 High
197 GC-33 ERR855353 12AZI_T_003 37508 6 High
198 GC-34 ERR854904 12CFX_T_008 37044 10 Similar
199 GC-35 ERR855358 12AZI_T_008 37513 10 Similar
200 GC-36 ERR854929 12CFX_T_034 37070 10 High
201 GC-37 ERR854912 12CFX_T_016 37052 10 Similar
202 GC-38 ERR855359 12AZI_T_009 37514 6 High
203 GC-39 ERR854908 12CFX_T_012 37048 10 Similar
204 GC-40 ERR854867 12CFX_T_024 37060 10 High
205 GC-41 ERR956689 12CFX_T_039 58867 10 High
206 GC-42 ERR956690 12CFX_T_030 58866 10 Low
207 GC-43 ERR855324 12AZI_C_009 37479 10 Low
208 GC-44 ERR854930 12CFX_T_035 37071 10 Similar
209 GC-45 ERR854933 12CFX_T_038 37074 10 Low
210 GC-46 ERR854911 12CFX_T_015 37051 10 Similar
211 GC-47 ERR854910 12CFX_T_014 37050 10 Similar
212 GC-48 ERR854939 12CFX_T_046 37082 10 Similar
213 GC-49 ERR854920 12CFX_T_025 37061 10 Low
214 GC-50 ERR854935 12CFX_T_040 37076 10 Low

The sequence accession number ( for each isolate is linked to the SRA webpage ( that provides the run accession number that can be used to search the Sanger repository ( that can identify the strain information. The strain information is then used to search the pubmlst/Neisseria webpage ( to identify the ID number, amino acid sequence, and encoding allele. Statistical differences in ratio values were analyzed for each isolate against P9-17 as a reference, which resulted in distribution of the isolates into three main groups, i.e., lower than P9-17 (P < 0.05), similar to P9-17 (P ≥ 0.05), and higher than P9-17 (P < 0.05) Ng-ACP levels.