Formation of Multiple Helicoidal Cisternae Stacks and Secondary Helix
(A–C) Schematic illustration and typical fluorescence images of the multiple helicoids visualized in z stacks of double (A), triple (B), and quad (C) helicoidal cisternae stacks.
(D) 3D reconstruction of the multiple helicoidal cisternae stacks. Different helicoids in one cisternae stack were painted with different colors.
(E) Influence of the percentage of negatively charged DMPS ψDMPS in DPPC/DMPS stacked bicelles on the percentages of cisternae stacks with different n (N = 100).
(F) Variation of the percentages of helicoidal cisternae stacks (containing 30% DMPS) with different n when ions were added to screen the electrostatic repulsive forces during the reorganization process (N = 100). The stacked bicelles were formed in 50% ethanol solution and then dispersed into water to obtain cisternae stacks.
(G) Schematic illustration of the influences of charged lipids on the formation of cisternae stacks with different n.
(H) Schematic representation of a helicoid with angle of θ between the axis and local ramp plane. The orange surfaces indicated two parallel planes in the helicoid that repelled each other under electrostatic repulsive force.
(I) The schematic and fluorescence images for the formation of secondary helix from the helicoidal cisternae stacks.
Scale bars, 10 μm. Error bars are ±SEM. See also Figures S8–S19.