Connectivity between V3VLat INs and Ipsilateral MNs Is Bidirectional
(A) Photostimulation of vGluT2-deleted V3VLat INs elicited EPSPs but not action potentials in ipsilateral MNs.
(B) Voltage-clamp recordings from an MN in response to direct (light green) and vGluT2-deleted V3VLat IN (dark green) photostimulation.
(Ci) Response to direct photostimulation of the loose-patched V3VLat IN (Sim1Cre; Rosa26tdTom).
(Cii) Photostimulation of the connected MN elicited EPSPs in the loose-patched V3VLat IN.
(D) V3Vlat IN-evoked EPSCs in MNs before (light green) and during CBX (dark green) application.
(E) CBX significantly reduced the response amplitude (n = 3, p = 0.008, pairwise comparison) but not response latency (n = 3, p = 0.053, pairwise comparison).