Immunohistograms (A) and the CGRP-ir (B) in TG of rats in i.c. capsaicin-treated group with Vehicle (a, b, Cap) and various pretreatments, respectively, as in Figure 1, as well as in the Sham group (Sham). Note that Compound 6 at 3 or 10, but not 1, mg/kg significantly prevents capsaicin-induced CGRP-ir in TG in a manner comparable to topiramate. The capsaicin-induced CGRP-ir inhibited by Compound 6 at 3 mg/kg is significantly reversed by furosemide. Loreclezole and Ro 15–4513 significantly prevent capsaicin-induced CGRP-ir in TG, but diazepam does not. Scale bar: 500 μm (a, b), 250 μm (c). In each rat, total CGRP-ir fluorescence in 3 TG sections was measured. Shown is the average CGRP-ir fluorescence of all tested rats. Data presentation and statistical analyses are the same as in Fig. 1.