Table 4.
Distribution of Shewanella algae in environment samples and aquaculture animals (1999–2017).
Year | Region | Sampling location | Host | Disease symptoms | References |
1999 | Denmark | Sea water | Environment samples | No | Gram et al., [28] |
2000 | Denmark | Sea water | Environment samples | No | Vogel et al., [15] |
2002 | China | Sea water | Scinenops ocellata | Ulcer disease | Chang et al., [16] |
2006 | China | Pond water | Abalone | Whitening, shrunken muscles | Cai et al., [29] |
2008 | USA | Sea water | Shellfish | Nonavailable | Richards et al., [30] |
2009 | Japan | Sea water | Sea cucumber | Nonavailable | Beleneva et al., [31] |
2010 | Malaysia | Tank water | Shrimp | Healthy post larvae | Zadeh et al., [32] |
2010 | Japan | Tank water | Pufferfish | Healthy fish | Sugita et al., [33] |
2011 | USA | Sea water | Sediments | No | Cummings et al., [34] |
2012 | China | Sea water | Environment samples | No | Zhao and Dang, [35] |
2013 | China | Sea water | Marine culture | No | Liu et al., [25, 36, 37] |
2013 | China | Sea water | Deep-sea sediments | No | Jiang et al., [36] |
2013 | Portuguese | Sea water | Deep sea | No | Martins et al., [38] |
2015 | Iran | Sea water | Mussels/sediment | No | Bayat et al., [39] |
2017 | China | Sea water | Fish | Noticeable histological lesions | Z. Han et al., [40] |