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. 2018 Jul 30;178(2):824–837. doi: 10.1104/pp.18.00324

Figure 7.

Figure 7.

IDS1 directly interacts with the transcriptional corepressor TPR1. A, Y2H assay showing the physical interaction between IDS1 and TPR1. SD-LW, synthetic dextrose medium lacking Leu and Trp; SD-LWH, SD medium lacking Leu, Trp, and His. B, Pull-down assay illustrating that IDS1 directly interacts with TPR1. C, Firefly LCI assay detecting the interaction between IDS1 and TPR1. Left, a representative leaf image; right, the colored scale bar indicates the luminescence intensity (CPS). NL, N terminus of LUC; CL, C terminus of LUC; EV, empty vector. D, BiFC assay revealing the interaction of IDS1 with TPR1. BF, bright field. E and F, LCI and BiFC assays showing that the EARm version of IDS1 failed to interact with TPR1. G, Schemes showing the full-length as well as truncated versions of TPR1 protein. NT, N-terminal domain; MD, middle domain; CT, C-terminal domain; ΔNT, deletion of the NT; aa, amino acids. H, BiFC assay showing that the NT of TPR1 is sufficient for the interaction with IDS1. I, Pull-down assay showing the interaction between TPR1-NT and IDS1. J, Y2H assay confirming the interaction between TPR1-NT and IDS1.