Bursts affect the velocity peak when they are in a critical peri-GO window, with a maximal effect when realigned to movement onset. A, Estimated effects and 95% CIs derived from the linear mixed-effects model testing the impact of bursts in 50 ms bins on peak velocity. Bins are defined relative to the GO cue, which is indicated by the bold vertical line. B, Estimated effects and 95% CIs derived from the same linear mixed-effects model when bins were defined relative to the movement onset. Pair of bold vertical lines indicates the range in which the GO cue would have fallen. For the modeling, the velocity peaks are power transformed (see Materials and Methods). *Significant model (p < 0.05) when bins are considered in isolation. Blue shading represents significant bins after FDR correction. C, D, The majority of the beta bursts occurring in the significant window aligned to movement onset (B, blue shading) end before the GO cue or right after (yet still have more than half of their duration before the GO). C, The percentage of these across subjects is shown (Before GO). D, The timing of the burst termination points for each subject. ***p < 0.001.