Figure 6. Grafted neurons show functional maturation and fast-spiking-like interneuron high-frequency firing in vivo.
(a) Representative image of an LHX6-EGFP OE cell at 5 months after in vivo transplantation. The cell was recorded with whole-cell configuration and then filled with neurobiotin. The recorded cell was visualized with EGFP (left, red arrow) and differential interference contrast microscopy (DIC) (middle) and was reconstructed via neurobiotin staining (right). (b–d) Summary of resting membrane potential (RMP) (b), input resistance (c), and action potential (AP) threshold (d) from LHX6-EGFP OE cells at 3 months and 5 months after transplantation. ***, p<0.001. (e) Sample traces of voltage changes in an LHX6-EGFP OE cell. Changes of membrane potential were evoked by current injection in 0 pA and 190 pA, respectively (left). Spontaneous firings of an LHX6-EGFP OE cell at a subthreshold holding of −44 mV. (f) Sample traces of voltage changes in a LHX6-EGFP OE cell. Changes of membrane potential were evoked by current injection in 0 pA and 160 pA (left). The recorded cell could fire action potentials at a maximus rate of 40 Hz. Spontaneous firings of an LHX6-EGFP OE cell at a subthreshold holding of −38 mV (right). (g–h) Sample traces of spontaneous postsynaptic currents (sPSCs) at a holding potential of −70 mV (g) and −40 mV (h) from an LHX6-EGFP OE cell at 5 months after transplantation. The bottom three traces are enlarged from the top traces. (i–j) Summary of frequency (i) and amplitude (j) of sPSCs recorded at a holding potential of –70 mV from LHX6-EGFP OE cells at 5 months after transplantation.