Figure 4. Feedback input enhances and optimizes information transmission via whitening.
Results are shown before and after complete feedback inactivation was achieved via injection of lidocaine into nP. (A) Top: sinusoidal envelope waveform (red). Middle: time dependent firing rate from a typical ELL pyramidal cell before (black) and after (purple) lidocaine application. Bottom: spiking activity from this same neuron in response to stimulation before (black) and after (purple) lidocaine application. (B) Population-averaged tuning curve quantified by the neural gain as a function of envelope frequency before (black) and after (purple) lidocaine application. The dashed lines show the best power law fits to the data. Inset: Population-averaged best-fit power law exponents before (black) and after (purple) lidocaine injection were significantly different from one another (p=0.0156, Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test). (C) Population-averaged neural response power as a function of envelope frequency before (black) and after (purple) lidocaine application. The dashed lines show the best power law fits to the data. (D) Top: sinusoidal envelope waveform (red). Bottom: time dependent EOD frequency from a typical fish before (black) and after (purple) lidocaine application. (E) Population-averaged behavioral gain as a function of envelope frequency before (black) and after (purple) lidocaine application. The dashed lines show the best power law fits to the data. Inset: Population-averaged best-fit power law exponents before (black) and after (purple) lidocaine injection were significantly different from one another (p=0.0313, Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test). (F) Left: population-averaged white index values before (black) and after (purple) lidocaine application were significantly different from one another (p=0.0234, Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test). Right: population-averaged relative changes in neural (left) and behavioral (right) gain following lidocaine application were both significantly different from zero (neuron: p=4.77*10−4, Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test, behavior: p=0.002, Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test). ‘*' indicates statistical significance at the p=0.05 level.