A. Single molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) super-resolution images of endogenously tagged neurexin (ox719) and CaV2 calcium channels (unc-2(ox672)).
B-C. SMLM images of CaV2 calcium channels (unc-2(ox672)) and the active zone protein RIMB-1(ox704), in wild type (B) and nrx-1(wy1155) null mutants (C). Scale bar = 1µm. D. Pearson’s correlation coefficients indicate that NRX-1 colocalization with CaV2 is higher than RIMB-1 colocalization with CaV2. RIMB-1 vs CaV2, n = 23 images (from 6 worms); NRX-1 vs CaV2, n = 19 images (from 7 worms). Statistical significance determined by Student’s t-test. E. RIMB-1 colocalization with CaV2 is decreased in the nrx-1 null allele (wy1155) and in the Dag allele (wy778) but not in the Δα-specific allele (nu485).
F-G. CaV2 channel cluster number per micron (F) and cluster volume (G) is reduced in the nrx-1 null allele (wy1155) and in the Dag allele (wy778) but not in the Δα- specific allele (nu485). For E-F, n = number of images and are as follows: wild type n = 28 (from 7 worms); nrx-1(null) n = 17 (from 3 worms); nrx-1(Δαγ) n = 13 (from 7 worms); nrx-1(Δα) n = 18 (from 7 worms). For G, n = number of clusters, with thresholds set to detect one cluster per synapse in wild type, and are as follows: wild type n = 597 (from 7 worms); nrx-1(null) n = 233 (from 3 worms); nrx-1(Δαγ) n = 71 (from 7 worms); nrx-1(Δα) n = 333 (from 7 worms). Statistical significance (ANOVA with Sidak correction in E and Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA in F,G) is compared to wild type.