This figure presents the criteria used to determine the three levels of pest management identified in this study: traditional pest management (PM), low integrated pest management (IPM), and high IPM. The six criteria were % of apartments receiving annual inspection, % of apartments with pests, % units with pests not followed up, 3-year average work order prevalence, pest contract lapse, and a combination of development participation in previous IPM pilot and presence of tenant coordinator. Of the 36 eligible developments, 12 developments were categorized into each intensity level, and from these 12, 6 were selected from each intensity level for inclusion in the study. Within each intensity level, 480 units were randomly selected. In the traditional PM, low IPM, and high IPM intensity levels, 161, 179, and 122 participants were enrolled, respectively. 1 A development with 3 or more criteria in one pest management intensity level was assigned to that level, 2 Fewer developments in the low IPM level were visited because the sample size was achieved prior to visiting 2 developments