FIG 2.
Characterization of the ΔflgO flagellum in situ by cryo-ET. (A to C) A representative slice of a 3D reconstruction of the V. alginolyticus ΔflgO strain KK148 with multiple polar flagella. (D to F) Zoom-in views of the slices that are shown in panels A to C. (G) A slice of a subtomogram average of the flagellar motor. (H) A slice of a subtomogram average of the flagellar motor in KK148. The structural difference between panels G and H is indicated with arrows. (I) Schematic model of the Vibrio motor. (J) 3D surface renderings of the image from panel G. (K, L) 3D surface renderings of the image from panel H. The H-ring is labeled in orange and pink, separately; the T-ring is colored yellow. OM, outer membrane; IM, inner membrane.