Hypothetical cycle of cyanophycin accumulation and degradation during resuscitation from nitrogen starvation. t0, when cyanophycin does not accumulate, such as during nitrogen starvation, CphA (green dots) is distributed in the cytoplasm; t1, 2 to 6 h after the addition of nitrogen, CphA aggregates in foci; t2, 6 to 15 h after the addition of nitrogen, the first cyanophycin granules (red) appear, with CphA localized on the surface of the growing granules; t3, 15 to 18 h after nitrogen addition, adjacent granules merge when they collide, building amorphous granules with CphA on their surface; t4, 21 h after nitrogen addition, when cyanophycin begins to degrade, CphA begins to dissociate from the granule surface; t5, 21 to 27 h after nitrogen addition, the granules become smaller, and CphA is distributed in the cytoplasm; t6, after the cell completes resuscitation after more than 48 h, it starts to divide, with CphA mainly distributed in the cytoplasm. Veg, vegetative.