Figure 7. IgSF-CAM-dependent neurite dynamic and axon orientation defects in Srd5a3 mutant cerebellum.
(A) Neurite number per GC body cluster across 21 hr in laminin and poly-D-lysine-coated wells as measured with Incucyte live cell imaging system (Control, n = 3; En1-Cre; Srd5a3fl/-, n = 3). (B) Representative image of control and En1-Cre; Srd5a3fl/- GCs after 21 hr in laminin and poly-D-lysine-coated wells. Scale bar 100 μm. (C) Neurite number normalized to GC body clusters after 21 hr with laminin/poly-D-lysine coatings, fibronectin or IgSF-CAMs-coated wells (NrCAM and L1CAM). Each dot per coating represents results from a single mutant mouse. All GC cultures were performed in technical triplicates (Control, n = 3; En1-Cre; Srd5a3fl/-, n = 3). (D) Neurite number and number of migrating neurons in GC re-aggregates plated for 24 hr on laminin and poly-D-lysine and (E) L1CAM coated surfaces. Five aggregates were quantified per mouse and coating condition (Control n = 5, En1Cre; Srd5a3fl/-, n = 7). (F) Representative electron microscopy images of cerebellar ML sagittal view at P21 taken from control (n = 3) and Srd5a3 mutant (En1-Cre; Srd5a3fl/- n = 1; Atoh1-Cre; Srd5a3fl/- n = 2) mice. Scale bar 2 μm. Parallel fibers show a single orientation in control ML, whereas some exhibit an abnormal perpendicular orientation in the most outer ML in the mutant mice (G, red arrowhead). Two-tailed Student t-test was used for statistics. *p<0.05; **p<0.01. Results are presented as mean ± s.d.