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. 2018 Oct 12;13(10):e0205102. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0205102

Table 3. Factors associated with chaotrope-based anti-Ag85A antibody avidity e.

Factor Adjusted GMR (95%CI) f P value Q value g
Age 1.000 (0.993–1.007) 0.978
Female 1
Male 0.861 (0.722–1.027) 0.098
HIV serostatus
Negative 1
Positive 0.677 (0.567–0.812) <0.001
Low 1
Medium 1.317 (1.052–1.649) 0.016
M.tb infection state
Uninfected 1
LTBI 1.024 (0.738–1.419) 0.889 1.000
APTB 1.641 (1.153–2.337) 0.006 0.018
APTB Vs LTBI 1.604 (1.282–2.006) <0.001 <0.001

GMR: geometric mean ratio, LTBI: latent tuberculosis infection, APTB: active pulmonary tuberculosis, SES: socioeconomic status.

e 9 uninfected controls, 11 LTBI and 48 APTB cases.

f Results were generated using linear regression and the factors were adjusted for one another.

g Q values were computed for multiple comparisons between M.tb infection states and uninfected controls using the Bonferroni method.

LTBI is baseline comparison group.

Crude GMRs can be found in S2 Table in the supporting information.