(A-C) The cell cycle is attenuated in inr bam double mutant cells. (A, B) Homozygous bamΔ86 and inr339
bamΔ86 mutant cells (GFP− cells outlined by white dotted lines) were analyzed at 7 days after the last heat shock. Both bamΔ86 and inr339 are null alleles. Images are the same magnification. (C) Quantification of BrdU incorporation in homozygous bamΔ86 and inr339
bamΔ86 mutant cells. The mutant germ cells in single confocal microscope focal plane of 30 germaria were quantified for each replicate, and three independent replicates were performed for each genotype.
(D, E) Fewer inr bam double mutant cells are present in the stem cell niche than bam single mutant cells. 100 niches were quantified for each replicate, and three independent replicates were performed for each time point.
(F, G) bam single mutant clones are bigger than cdk2 bam double mutant clones. bamΔ86 and cdk23
bamΔ86 mutant clones (GFP− cells outlined by white dotted lines) were analyzed at 7 days after the last heat shock. Both bamΔ86 and cdk23 are null alleles. Images are the same magnification.
(H, I) Fewer cdk2 bam double mutant cells are present in the stem cell niche than bam single mutant cells. 100 niches were quantified for each replicate, and three independent replicates were performed for each time point.
In (C, D, E, H, and I), data represent mean ± standard deviation, and statistical significance was determined by a two-tailed Student’s t test for two samples assuming unequal variances.
See also Figure S7 and Tables S1 and S2.