Table 1.
Individual Study Inclusion, Sample Size, and Severity of Illness for this Systematic Review of Delirium Monitoring in the Neurocritically Ill
Author (Reference) Time Period |
Total N (N of Male Sex) | Inclusion | % Mech Vent | Severity of Illness |
Frenette (43) Unspecified |
61 (47) | Two centers, Trauma patients with mild/moderate TBI, Age>=18y, admitted to ICU>48h | 65.5% | Mean ISS=23.3±9.4; Median GCS=14 (IQR 3); Mean APACHEII=11.5±6.4; 28% isolated TBI; 72% polytrauma and TBI |
Kostalova (44) 01/2009 – 03/2010 |
100 (53) | One center, Stroke patients in ICU with cerebral infarction or intracerebral haemorrhage; Assessable <=24h of stroke; Approval of patient or surrogate | Not stated | Mean NIHSS=8.8, and Mean GCS=13.9 |
Lees (45) 04/2012 – 06/2012 |
108 (Uncleara) | One center, Stroke patients in ICU (ischemia and hemorrhage) | Not Stated | Median NIHSS=3 (IQR: 1–5); 38% with History of Stroke |
Mitasova (46) 1/2009 – 1/2010 |
129 (72) | One center, Stroke patients in ICU (with ischemia or hemorrhage), Assessment<=24h of stroke; Approval of patient or surrogate | 7% | Median NIHSS=9.0 (no IQR); GCS=14.5 (mean/median not specified) |
Naidech (47) 12/2009 – 04/2013 |
98 (Unclearb) | One center, Intracerebral hemorrhage by CT (neurologist-verified) in Neuro/Spine ICU | Not stated | Not stated for cohort; but Delirium group with median NIHSS=8 (IQR:3–15), and No delirium group with median NIHSS=6 (IQR:2–16) |
Oldenbeuving (48) 1y period, unspecified |
527 (288) | Two centers, Stroke (neurologic deficit of sudden onset >24h; ischemic or hemorrhagic) in ICU, Age>18y | Not stated | Median NIHSS=5 (IQR:0–36); 11% hemorrhage stroke |
Rosenthal (49) 12/2009 – 10/2014 |
150 (Unclearc) | One center, Intracerebral hemorrhage by CT (neurologist-verified) in Neuro/Spine ICU | Not stated | Unclearc |
N, Sample Size of Cohort assessed for Delirium; % Mech Vent, Percent Mechanically Ventilated of Sample
AIS, Abbreviated Injury Score; APACHE II, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II score; GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale score; h, Hours; ICU, Intensive Care Unit; IQR, Interquartile Range; ISS, Injury Severity Scale score; N, Sample Size; NIHSS, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score; TBI, Traumatic Brain Injury; y, Years
Men represented 55 of 111 subjects with cognitive assessment data; without sex further specified, 108 had 4AT data relevant to this review
Women represented 52 of 114 subjects; without sex further specified 98 in this study were assessable for delirium
Women represented 82 of 174 subject with long-term follow-up and Of 174 subjects, NIHSS=11 (IQR not provided); Median GCS=13.5 (IQR:8–15); however without sex or severity of illness further specified, 150 subjects in this study were assessable for delirium