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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2019 Dec 1.
Published in final edited form as: Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2018 Dec 1;43(23):1619–1630. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000002682

Table 2.

Additional. Patient baseline demographic characteristics, comorbidities, and health status measures according to patient follow-up status as of 09/03/2013 when the DS 8yr data were pulled.

currently in
Patients lost to
Mean Age (SD) 63.6 (9.4) 69.2 (10.5) <0.001
Female - no. (%) 234 (69%) 178 (67%) 0.66
Ethnicity: Not Hispanic - no. (%)† 330 (98%) 257 (97%) 0.85
Race - White - no. (%) 293 (87%) 213 (81%) 0.048
Education - At least some college - no. (%) 238 (71%) 162 (61%) 0.021
Marital Status - Married - no. (%) 230 (68%) 166 (63%) 0.2
Work Status - no. (%) <0.001
  Full or part time 145 (43%) 73 (28%)
  Disabled 31 (9%) 20 (8%)
  Retired 121 (36%) 136 (52%)
  Other 40 (12%) 35 (13%)
Compensation - Any - no. (%)‡ 31 (9%) 10 (4%) 0.014
Mean Body Mass Index (BMI), (SD)§ 29.2 (5.7) 29.2 (6.8) 1
Smoker - no. (%) 26 (8%) 25 (9%) 0.54
Comorbidities - no. (%)
  Diabetes 36 (11%) 44 (17%) 0.043
  Osteoporosis 40 (12%) 29 (11%) 0.83
  Heart Problem 54 (16%) 68 (26%) 0.004
  Depression 58 (17%) 40 (15%) 0.57
  Joint Problem 185 (55%) 159 (60%) 0.22
Bodily Pain (BP) Score (SD)‖ 34.5 (19.7) 31.7 (18.3) 0.075
Physical Functioning (PF) Score (SD) 35.9 (21.8) 32.3 (23) 0.054
Mental Component Summary (MCS) Score (SD) 50.2 (11.5) 50 (11.6) 0.78
Oswestry (ODI) (SD)** 42.1 (17.8) 40.9 (17.9) 0.43
Stenosis Frequency Index (0–24) (SD)†† 13.9 (5.3) 14.1 (5.9) 0.65
Stenosis Bothersome Index (0–24) (SD)‡‡ 14.7 (5.4) 14.6 (5.8) 0.81
Back Pain Bothersomeness (SD)§§ 4.3 (1.8) 4.2 (1.8) 0.81
Leg Pain Bothersomeness (SD)¶¶ 4.6 (1.6) 4.5 (1.7) 0.91
Pseudoclaudication - Any - no. (%) 289 (86%) 222 (84%) 0.65
Dermatomal pain radiation - no. (%) 261 (77%) 207 (78%) 0.86
Any Neurological Deficit - no. (%) 178 (53%) 149 (56%) 0.42
  Reflexes - Asymmetric Depressed 86 (26%) 64 (24%) 0.79
  Sensory - Asymmetric Decrease 96 (28%) 73 (28%) 0.89
  Motor - Asymmetric Weakness 75 (22%) 71 (27%) 0.22
No. moderate or severe stenotic levels - no. (%) 0.088
  None 16 (5%) 7 (3%)
  One 218 (65%) 152 (58%)
  Two 85 (25%) 87 (33%)
  Three+ 18 (5%) 18 (7%)
Stenosis Locations - no. (%)
  Central 303 (90%) 246 (93%) 0.2
  Lateral Recess 313 (93%) 233 (88%) 0.071
  Neuroforamen 151 (45%) 92 (35%) 0.017
Stenosis Severity - no. (%) 0.21
  Mild 16 (5%) 7 (3%)
  Moderate 126 (37%) 89 (34%)
  Severe 195 (58%) 168 (64%)
Instability - no. (%)******* 29 (9%) 18 (7%) 0.51
HRQOL Scales ******
Bodily Pain (BP) Score (SD)‖ 34.5 (19.7) 31.7 (18.3) 0.075
Physical Functioning (PF) Score (SD) 35.9 (21.8) 32.3 (23) 0.054
Oswestry (ODI) (SD)** 42.1 (17.8) 40.9 (17.9) 0.43