Fractional protein synthesis rates (Ks) of longissimus dorsi (A), soleus (B), and gastrocnemius (C) muscles; RNA synthetic capacity (Cs) of longissimus dorsi (D), soleus (E), and gastrocnemius (F) muscles; and RNA synthetic efficiency (KRNA) of longissimus dorsi (G), soleus (H), and gastrocnemius (I) muscles of neonatal pigs fed for 21 d either continuously or intermittently with measurements made just before (INT-0) or 60 min after (INT-60) a meal. Values are means ± SEMs; n = 6. Statistical analyses were conducted by mixed-model ANOVA. When a significant effect was detected, all means were compared using a Tukey-Kramer post hoc test. Means without a common letter differ significantly. “NS” denotes no significant differences between treatments. CON, continuously fed; INT, intermittently fed.