(13) |
2017 |
AMImage |
Fried Frailty |
White Matter Hyperintensities and Integrity: Fractional Anisotropy (FA), Axial Diffusivity (AD), Radial Diffusivity (RD), and Mean Diffusivity (MD). |
Yes |
Frail people have higher white matter hyperintensity volume and loss of white matter integrity. |
(14) |
2014 |
Seoul National University |
Frailty Index estimated from: Score in daily activies, cognitive function, physical performance and serum albumin test. |
White Matter Lesions (WML). |
Yes |
Higher frailty score in those subjects with more WML, thus they conclude both variables to be associated. |
(15) |
2001 |
Fried frailty. |
WML, Infarct-like Lesions, Sulcal Prominence and Ventricular Size. |
Yes |
Frail subjects showed more infarct lesions, increased white matter abnormalities and increased ventricular size, no effect on sulcus size was found. |
(16) |
2015 |
Grip Strength with hydraulic hand dynamometer. |
Functional Connectivity between Left Motor Cortex, Left Putamen, Right Lobule V, R Lobule VIII. |
No |
Sensorimotor cortex connectivity is positively associated with grip strength. |
(17) |
2016 |
Grip Strength with hydraulic hand dynamometer. |
White Matter Integrity: FA, MD, RD, AD in Cingular Bundle; approximated Default Mode Network Connectivity |
Yes |
RD was significantly associated to grip strength, resting state functional connectivity was not. |
(18) |
2010 |
Gait Speed using a 4.88 m digitized walkway system. |
White Matter Hyperintensities. |
No |
Higher white matter intensity volumes across all regions were associated to lower gait speed. |
(19) |
2012 |
Gait Speed using a 4.57 m course and the average of 2 measurements. |
Gray Matter Volume of the Prefrontal Area. |
Yes |
Smaller prefrontal area gray matter volume is associated with slower gait speed. |
(20) |
2010 |
Gait Speed using a 6 m course and the average of 2 measurements. |
Magnetization Transfer Ratio, White Matter Hyperintensities, Brain Athrophy and Brain Infarcts. |
Yes |
Lower magnetization transfer ratio, higher white matter intensity volume and generalized brain atrophy but not brain infarcts were associated to slower gait speed. |
(21) |
2016 |
HealthABC |
Gait Speed using an 8 m computerized walkway. |
White Matter Hyperintensities and FA. |
Yes |
Higher white matter lesion volume was associated with slower gait speed, a significant interaction was observed between white matter hyperintensities and FA. In high FA individuals, the association was non-significant. |
(22) |
2015 |
Gait Speed on 6.10 m computerized walkway. |
rs-FMRI and ICA Decomposition. |
No |
Gait Speed associated with well-established sensorimotor, visual, vestibular, and left fronto-parietal resting-state networks in older adults. |
(23) |
2008 |
Oregon Brain Aging Study |
Gait Speed using a 9 m course. |
Periventricular, Subcortical and Total WMH, Total Brain Volume, Hippocampal Volume, CSF Volume. |
Yes |
Higher baseline total and periventricular white matter hyperintensities was related to more pronounced change in gait speed and number of steps during follow-up. Higher rate of periventricular white matter hyperintensities accumulation was associated with increased gait slowing. |
(24) |
2009 |
3C study France |
Gait Speed using a 6 m course. |
White Matter Lesions. |
Yes |
Periventricular WML volume was associated with slow gait speed in those subjects above 90th percentile of WML volume, deep WML volume was not. Baseline total WML volume predicted walking speed decline in follow-up. |
(25) |
2007 |
Gait Speed using a 4.57 m course and Balance checking the ability to hold semitandem position for at least 10 s. |
Gray Matter Volume of ROIs known to be associated with mobility. |
Yes |
Smaller gray matter volumes remained associated with slow gait and poor balance after cofounder control in LH smaller cerebellum and dorsolateral prefrontal regions (slower gait) and RH basal ganglia, superior posterior parietal cortex and cerebellum (balance difficulty). |
(26) |
2005 |
Gait Speed using a 4.57 m course. |
Ventricular Enlargement, White Matter Hyperintensities, Subcortical and Basal Ganglia Small Brain Infarcts. |
Yes |
Presence of structural brain abnormalities was associated with greater risk of incident functional impairment and greater risk of gait speed decline after cofounder control. |
(27) |
1999 |
Oregon Brain Aging Study |
Gait Speed using a 9.14 m course. |
Total Brain Volume, Intracranial Volume, Ventricular Volume, Periventricular High Signal, Deep High Signal. |
Yes |
Ventricular volume and periventricular white matter high signal volume, but not total brain volume or deep white matter high signal, were correlated gait speed independent of age. |
(28) |
2003 |
ABC 1921 Study |
Gait Speed using a 6 m course. |
WML, Periventricular Lesions and Brain Stem Lesions. |
No |
Decreased gait speed correlated significative with an increased grade of brain stem lesions. |
(29) |
2000 |
NHLBI Twin Study |
Gait Speed using a 2.43 m course (faster of two walks). |
White Matter Hyperintensities, Total Cranial Brain Volume (TCB). |
Yes |
Above the median total brain volume but not white matter hyperintensity volume was associated with higher gait speed. |