Altered Hox expression domains in SMRTmRID. (A) Relative abundance of Hoxc5 mRNA along the body axis at E11.5. A, B, and C denote the regions of the embryo depicted in D. The data are shown as the mean ± SEM. n = 5, **P < 0.005 by Student’s t test. (B) Whole mount in situ hybridization showing anterior expansion of Hoxc5 expression boundary at E10.5. Somites are numbered from the forelimb level and arrow indicates the boundary of Hoxc5 expression. (C) Section in situ of E10.5 axial somites. Note Hoxc5 expression boundary is shifted to the seventh somite in comparison with WT embryos. (D) Anterior, A; middle, B; and caudal, C regions containing somites were used for mRNA quantitation. (E) Anterior expansion of Hoxc5 expression boundary at E11.5. (F) Section in situ showing anterior expansion of Hoxc5 expression domain in prevertebrae of E11.5 SMRTmRID embryo. * indicates anterior prevertebrae expressing Hoxc5. (G) Relative abundance of Hoxc5 mRNA and in situ hybridization showing normalization of anterior Hoxc5 expression boundary at E11.5 by RAR antagonist (BMS 493) treatment at E10.5. The data are shown as the mean ± SEM. n = 5.