Normalised Wnt/STOP signalling activity by quantification of the protein expression of two Wnt/STOP target proteins, β‐catenin and c‐Myc, in mitotic (M) and asynchronised cells (A) after silencing 47 Wnt signalling regulators.
ELISA validation of selected Wnt/STOP signalling regulators (n = 3).
C, D
(C) Immunoblotting and (D) quantification of the stability of four STOP target proteins in both G1S and natural mitotic cells treated with BCL9 siGenome pools and CHX (n = 3).
Representative pictures (left panel) and the normalised biosensor intensity based on live‐cell imaging of the cells with a GSK3‐GFP biosensor following different treatments before and after metaphase (n = 10). Scale bars represent 10 μm.
Venn diagram analysis of the number of Axin1, APC, and Wnt3a signalling and/or BCL9‐regulated transcriptional targets.
Myc and β‐catenin target gene enrichment analysis based on the transcriptome targets regulated by BCL9.
The representative xenograft tumours (top panel) and tumour growth analysis (bottom panel) of scramble and BCL9 stable knockdown cells. LF: left flank of mouse, RF: right flank. n = 6 for shS1 vs. shB1, n = 5 for shS1 vs. shB2.
Immunohistochemical staining of the xenograft; the red arrows indicate the representative mitotic cells. Scale bars represent 200 μm.
< 0.001. All data are the mean
SD. See also Fig