Orthologs or homologs of genes involved in the initiation of root nodule symbiosis identified in four actinorhizal hosts. A spatial and sequential model of genes (indicated as boxes) involved in the initiation of root nodule symbiosis based on M. truncatula and/or L. japonicus. Genes are diagrammed at locations where the model expects the gene product to be localized in the root tissue. Orthologs are shown as solid colors; homologs are shaded. (A,B) Genes with orthologs detected in this study: (A) C. thyrsiflorus, and (B) D. glomerata. (C–E) Respectively: homologs detected in D. glomerata according to Demina et al. (2013); homologs detected in A. glutinosa according to Hocher et al. (2011); homologs detected in C. glauca according to Hocher et al. (2011).