Fig. 1.
The graphical user interface of MACSE v2 (left) allows to select the desired subprogram, to browse the file system for choosing input FASTA files, and to set parameter values. It automatically generates the corresponding command line (bottom left). When the user selects a new subprogram or click on an option field, a brief help related to this program or option is displayed on the top of the interface (red arrows). An exemplar data set of 15 mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 (nad3) gene sequences of turtles has been aligned by MACSE (parameters shown). The resulting alignment is displayed at the nucleotide (top right), codon (middle), and amino acid (bottom right) levels using SeaView v4.6.4 (Gouy et al.2010). Exclamation marks (!) emphasize the frameshifts detected by MACSE, most of which corresponding to programmed frameshift mutations (Russell and Beckenbach 2008).