Table 4.
Item response probabilities and class membership probabilities for the three-class solution. Response probabilities indicate the likelihood that a patient who is a member of this latent class would endorse a particular reason for nonadherence (e.g., for the reason “You were out of your routine,” it is highly probable that patients in the capacity+motivation and capacity class would endorse this item, but that patients in the no clear reasons class would not). Standard errors are reported in parentheses; response probabilities greater than .50 are in bold.
Reason | Item Response Probabilities |
Capacity | Capacity+ Motivation |
No Clear Reasons |
Class Membership Probabilities | .45 (.06) | .14 (.04) | .41 (.06) |
You forgot. | .82 (.06) | .77 (.10) | .32 (.08) |
You were out of your routine. | .76 (.07) | .65 (.12) | .19 (.07) |
You had other things to deal with. | .60 (.08) | .66 (.12) | .08 (.04) |
You did not have the heart medication with you. | .64 (.07) | .53 (.12) | .12 (.07) |
You were feeling down or upset. | .20 (.06) | .63 (.12) | .00 (.01) |
You could not get answers to your questions about why you needed to take the heart medication. |
.01 (.02) | .63 (.13) | .01 (.02) |
You did not think the heart medication would help you live a longer life. |
.00 (.01) | .61 (.14) | .03 (.03) |
You did not want to be reminded about your heart problem. |
.03 (.03) | .58 (.13) | .02 (.02) |
The heart medication caused side-effects. | .09 (.05) | .49 (.12) | .25 (.06) |
You ran out of the heart medication. | .37 (.07) | .39 (.12) | .07 (.05) |
There was no-one to help you. | .12 (.05) | .39 (.12) | .00 (.01) |