Fig. 5.
DREBIC reveals genotype-specific MEK inhibitor sensitivity. a Box plot showing DREBIC scores for the responder and non-responder lung cancer cell lines to MEK inhibitor (PD-0325901). b Scatter plot showing a correlation between DREBIC score and log IC50 growth inhibition values of PD-0325901 MEK inhibitor. Cell lines with KRAS mutations are displayed as green dots and cells with RB1 mutations are displayed as magenta dots. c Box plots show the DREBIC score and log IC50 growth inhibition due to PD-0325901 treatment in KRAS WT (gray) and KRAS mutant (green) CGP cancer cell lines. The difference in drug response and DREBIC scores between these two groups has been defined as a difference between medians (∆DREBIC and ∆log IC50). d The same analysis as performed in (c) has been carried out for RB1 WT and RB1 mutant cells. e Bar plot shows the difference in DREBIC score (∆DREBIC) between WT cell lines and mutant cell lines with indicated genes. The significance of the difference was calculated by double-sided t-test and p values are shown with dots on the right side of the panel. Bars with statistically significant differences are marked with magenta and green. f Bar plot shows the difference in median log IC50 scores of PD-0325901 MEK inhibitor drug response (∆Log IC50) in WT cell lines and cells with mutations in the indicated genes. The significance of the difference has been calculated as in (e) and p values are shown with dots on the right side of the panel. Bars with statistically significant differences are marked with magenta for positive difference and green for the negative difference. g Box plots showing the DREBIC score and log IC50 growth inhibition due to PD-0325901 treatment in BRAF WT (gray) and mutant (green) CGP cell lines. Significance assessed by Kolmogorov–Smirnov test for all panels except (b). In the box plots, bounds of the box spans from 25 to 75% percentile, center line represents median, and whiskers visualize 5 and 95% of the data points. Significance is defined as: **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001