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. 2018 Oct 15;8:15237. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-33567-9

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Behavioral tasks and performance. The color of the square around the central fixation spot instructed the monkey to either monitor the fixation stimulus (black in baseline (a) and Ignore (b) tasks) or the peripheral motion stimuli (red in Attend (c) task). (a) Baseline task. Following 500 ms of fixation, the central fixation spot dimmed on 65% of the trials during the delay period. Monkey released the joystick within 0.8 seconds of the dim to get a juice reward. (b) Performance of both monkeys (Monkey #1: blue; Monkey #2: green) on change trials (dim) and catch trials (no dim) in the Baseline task. Circles indicate % response in each session. Horizontal black lines with gray bars indicate mean and standard deviation respectively. (c) Ignore task. Following 500 ms of fixation, two circular patches of random dot motion stimuli (6° in diameter) appeared on either side of fixation at 8° eccentricity (radius) and 10° above horizontal (azimuth). During the delay period, the central fixation spot dimmed on 65% of the trials and monkey released the joystick within 0.8 seconds of the dim to get a juice reward. During the same delay period, independently of the fixation spot dimming, one of the motion stimuli changed direction on 65% of the trials. Monkey had to ignore the motion-change and hold the joystick down. (d) Performance in the Ignore task. Color and symbol conventions same as (b). (e) Attend task. Following 500 ms of fixation, two circular patches of random dot motion stimuli appeared at the same location as in Ignore task. During the delay period, one of the motion stimuli changed direction on 65% of the trials and monkey released the joystick within 0.8 seconds of the motion-change event to get a juice reward. (f) Performance in the Attend task to left and right motion-changes as well as no changes. Color and symbol conventions same as (b). (g) Block Design: All three tasks were presented in a block design and the duration of each task in the block design is shown in d. Each run started with the Baseline task and was interleaved with Ignore and Attend tasks.