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. 2018 Oct 15;8:15269. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-33336-8

Table 1.

Examples of the estimator functions f to be set in Eq. (1) to obtain some commonly-used centrality measures.

Undirected networks
Estimator function f Centrality of node i Unique contribution of node i Corresponding metric
f1=KtotN(xi+xj1N) xi=kiKtot UCi=2(N+1)ki2N2TSS Degree centrality
f2 = γxixj xi=1γjAijxj UCi=γxi2TSS(γxi2+2γ) Eigenvector centrality
f3 = γxixj + B xi=jAijxjγjxj2+Bjxjγjxj2 UCi=γxi2TSS(γxi22B+2γjxj2) Katz centrality

The unique contribution, which is here used to rank nodes for their centrality, is also reported. In the formulas, Ktot=ijAij is the total degree of the network; N is the number of nodes; ki=jAij is the degree of the node i; γ and B are two parameters whose values change according to the estimator function. In case of f2, γ equals the largest eigenvalue of A. In case of f3, γ=1/αjxj2 and B=1/jxj, where α is the attenuation factor of the Katz centrality. TSS is defined in the text. Further details are given in SI, Sect. 1.