Fig. 4. Plasminogen accumulates in the skin after irradiation and induces factors that are involved in post-irradiation tissue damage.
a–j Skin samples were taken from plg+/+ and plg−/− mice on different days after irradiation (n ≥ 4 per time point), and specific mRNA and protein levels were measured using RT-PCR and protein-specific ELISA, respectively. a For statistical significance, levels of plasminogen in the skin of plg+/+ mice at different time points was compared to day 0. b, c IL-6 mRNA and protein levels. d, e IL-1-β mRNA and protein levels. f, g TNF-α mRNA and protein levels. h Protein levels of IL-10. i, j TGF-β and PAI-1 mRNA levels. k Fibrin(ogen) levels in skin sections of plg+/+ and plg−/− mice at different time points after irradiation (n ≥ 3 per genotype). *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.005; ****P < 0.001