Figure 5.
Tsu1.1 has effects on food intake by increasing meal frequency. A single-fly feeding assay was used to assess total food intake, the average number of meals, meal duration, and meal size over a 6 h period in 5–7 day old adult Canton-S males. (A) Flies injected with Tsu1.1 toxin consumed more: +93.3 nl [95 CI 41.6, 141.49], g = + 0.55, P = 0.0002, N = 106, 112. (B) Average number of feed bounts where Tsu 1.1 injected flies displayed a dramatic increase: ∆feeding bouts +8.64 [95 CI 0.53, 17.23], g = + 0.53, p = 0.047, N = 106, 112. (C, D) Mean meal duration and volume per feed showed only minor alterations after injection of Tsu1.1. (E–H) The feeding behavioral effect of Tv1 dissected into volume intake, feed count, feed duration and volume per feed. All metrics showed only trivial differences. The data represent the mean differences with their 95% CI. Control data are depicted in grey, and teretoxin injected-fly data in orange. The numbers below each column denote the effect size and sample sizes (N) for each experiment.