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. 2018 Sep 4;21(16):3048–3057. doi: 10.1017/S1368980018002173

Table 2.

Characteristics of the study sample (unadjusted percentages and 95 % CI) of South-East Asian children (n 8364) aged 6–23 months and their families from three economically diverse South-East Asian countries*

Cambodia (n 2127) Myanmar (n 1339) Indonesia (n 5193)
Characteristics % 95 % CI % 95 % CI % 95 % CI
Age (months)
6–11 34·8 32·3, 37·4 32·6 29·6, 35·8 36·1 34·2, 38·1
12–17 31·4 29·0, 34·0 37·2 34·0, 40·4 32·7 30·9, 34·6
18–23 33·8 31·3, 36·4 30·2 27·3, 33·3 31·2 29·4, 33·0
Male 50·7 48·0, 53·4 53·9 50·6, 57·1 51·5 49·5, 53·5
Female 49·3 46·6, 52·0 46·2 42·9, 49·4 48·5 46·5, 50·5
Birth order
First-born 40·0 37·4, 42·7 35·5 32·4, 38·8 38·3 36·4, 40·3
Second to third 44·1 41·5, 46·8 43·1 39·9, 46·3 49·0 47·0, 51·0
Fourth or more 15·9 13·9, 18·0 21·4 18·9, 24·1 12·7 11·6, 13·9
Birth interval (months)
No previous birth 40·5 37·9, 43·2 36·2 33·1, 39·4 38·7 36·8, 40·7
<24 7·8 6·4, 9·4 7·3 5·8, 9·2 5·5 4·8, 6·4
≥24 51·7 49·0, 54·4 56·5 53·2, 59·8 55·7 53·8, 57·7
Perceived birth weight
Smaller than average 10·5 9·0, 12·3 12·3 10·3, 14·6 13·0 11·7, 14·4
Average 55·7 53·0, 58·3 60·9 57·6, 64·1 56·5 54·4, 58·4
Larger than average 33·8 31·3, 36·4 26·8 23·9, 29·9 30·5 28·7, 32·4
No symptoms 56·9 54·2, 59·6 67·3 64·2, 70·3 51·7 49·7, 53·7
At least one symptom 43·1 40·4, 45·8 32·7 29·7, 35·8 48·3 46·3, 50·3
Age (years)
15–24 34·9 32·4, 37·5 25·2 22·4, 28·2 28·1 26·4, 29·9
25–34 53·0 50·3, 55·7 51·8 48·6, 55·1 52·2 50·3, 54·2
35–49 12·1 10·4, 14·0 23·0 20·4, 25·8 19·6 18·1, 21·3
Highest educational level
No education 12·6 10·9, 14·5 15·1 12·9, 17·6 1·8 1·5, 2·3
Primary 51·2 48·5, 53·9 44·7 41·5, 48·0 30·0 28·1, 31·8
Secondary/higher 36·2 33·7, 38·8 40·2 37·0, 43·4 68·2 66·3, 70·1
Marital status
Married/cohabiting 96·0 94·9, 96·9 96·7 95·3, 97·7 97·8 97·1, 98·3
Widowed/divorced/separated 4·0 3·1, 5·1 3·3 2·3, 4·7 2·2 1·7, 2·9
Active labour force participation
Not working (past 12 months) 30·4 27·9, 33·0 41·3 38·1, 44·6 54·2 52·2, 56·2
Low 36·3 33·8, 38·9 29·4 26·5, 32·5 27·6 25·9, 29·3
High 33·3 30·8, 35·9 29·3 26·4, 32·4 18·2 16·7, 19·9
Exposure to mass media
Frequent 39·1 36·5, 41·8 34·7 31·6, 37·9 36·0 34·1, 37·9
Moderate 32·0 29·5, 34·6 37·8 34·6, 41·0 31·4 30·0, 33·3
Limited 28·9 26·6, 31·4 27·6 24·8, 30·6 32·7 30·8, 34·5
Antenatal clinic visits
0–1 6·4 5·2, 7·8 14·2 12·1, 16·7 3·9 3·3, 4·5
2–4 32·1 29·7, 34·7 38·0 34·8, 41·2 12·5 11·3, 13·7
≥5 61·5 58·9, 64·1 47·8 44·5, 51·1 83·7 82·4, 84·9
Highest educational level
No education 8·8 7·4, 10·4 16·1 13·9, 18·7 1·0 0·8, 1·3
Primary 44·0 41·3, 46·7 39·5 36·3, 42·8 32·0 30·1, 33·9
Secondary/higher 47·2 44·5, 49·9 44·4 41·1, 47·7 67·0 65·1, 68·9
Not-working 0·3 0·0, 0·9 0·0 0·0, 0·0 1·4 1·1, 1·9
Agricultural 47·1 44·5, 49·8 24·8 22·1, 27·7 21·4 19·9, 22·9
Non-agricultural 52·6 49·9, 55·3 75·2 72·3, 77·9 77·2 75·6, 78·7
Household wealth
Poorest 23·8 21·7, 26·2 26·6 23·9, 29·6 16·3 15·0, 17·7
Poorer 18·2 16·3, 20·2 22·9 20·3, 25·8 20·8 19·3, 22·5
Middle 19·7 17·6, 22·0 20·1 17·6, 22·9 20·7 19·1, 22·4
Richer 18·2 16·1, 20·5 5·5 13·3, 18·0 22·4 20·8, 24·2
Richest 20·1 17·9, 22·4 14·9 12·7, 17·4 19·7 18·2, 21·4
Sex of household head
Male 77·5 75·2, 79·7 85·9 83·5, 88·0 91·4 90·2, 92·5
Female 22·5 20·4, 24·8 14·1 12·0, 16·5 8·6 7·5, 9·9
Rural 86·0 84·3, 87·5 74·6 71·6, 77·5 50·8 48·8, 52·8
Urban 14·0 12·5, 15·7 25·4 22·6, 28·4 49·2 47·2, 51·2
Geographical region
Region 1 8·7 7·3, 10·3 12·8 10·9, 15·0 23·4 22·1, 24·8
Region 2 35·9 33·2, 38·7 15·5 13·1, 18·3 53·4 51·5, 55·3
Region 3 31·5 29·0, 34·0 9·8 8·6, 11·2 5·7 5·2, 6·3
Region 4 6·0 5·1, 7·0 8·3 7·0, 9·8 6·6 6·1, 7·2
Region 5 18·0 16·3, 19·8 34·1 30·9, 37·5 7·9 7·3, 8·5
Region 6 19·5 17·0, 22·2 1·2 1·1, 1·4
Region 7 1·8 1·5, 2·1

Data from recent Demographic and Health Surveys in Cambodia (2014)( 27 ), Myanmar (2015–16)( 28 ) and Indonesia (2012)( 29 ).

See Table 1 for geographical regions of the study context.