Florida | Maine | New York State | Washington | Wisconsin | |
Geography level | CT: LBW Zip code: AMI | HMP: CL HMP and town: PWW | CT: AMI and LBW | CT: LBW Zip code: AMI | Zip code: AMI and LBW |
Need for geographic aggregation | No | N/Aa | Yes (using GAT) | Either geographic or temporal (eg, single year with CT aggregation) | Yes (using GAT) |
Need for temporal aggregation | Yes (5 y, 2009–2013) | Yes (5 y for CL, 2009–2013) | Yes (5 y, 2008–2012) | Yes (5 y, 2009–2013) | Yes (5 y, 2009–2013) |
State suppression policy | None | Suppress counts <6 | No sub-county-level data sharing (must submit rates) | Small numbers guidelinesb | Suppress counts <5 |
Abbreviations: AMI, acute myocardial infarction; CL, childhood lead; CT, census tract; GAT, Geographic Aggregation Tool; HMP, Healthy Maine Partnership service areas; LBW, low birth weight; N/A, not applicable; PWW, private well water.
HMPs are aggregations of towns.
Washington State Department of Health Guidelines for Working with Small Numbers can be accessed at