(a) Schematic diagram outlining the ATPase assay with AM
and salt form of BAPTA or Rhod-2 in membrane preparation. (b)
Addition of BAPTA tetrapotassium salt (100 μM) to membrane preparation
induced significant inhibition of Na,K-ATPase activity, which was comparable to
that induced by preincubation of BAPTA AM (20 μM) in cultured mouse
astrocytes (n=8–14 wells). (c) Effect of Rhod-2 tripotassium
salt (10 μM) on ouabainsensitive ATP hydrolysis in membrane preparation
compared to the preincubation of Rhod-2 AM (2 μM) in cultured human
astrocyte (n=8 wells). (d) Na,K-ATPase activity measurement in the
absence or presence of BAPTA tetrapotassium salt (100 μM) or low
Ca2+ affinity 5,5’-dibromo BAPTA tetrapotassium salt (100
μM) in the zero Ca2+ assay buffer in cultured mouse astrocytes
(n=8–14 wells). *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ****p<0.0001
compared to vehicle control (b and d, 0.1% DMSO;
c, 0.04% DMSO). Displayed are means ± S.E.M.