Antagonist activity of protamine on intracellular responses induced by apelin.
A) Intrinsic activity of protamine on Gi/o
activation via APJ. U2OS cells that stably expressed hAPJ and
β-arrestin 2-GFP were stimulated with protamine in the presence of forskolin
(20 µM). cAMP production was normalized to the percentage of
forskolin-stimulated cAMP accumulation (set at 100%). B)
Dose-response curve of protamine for blocking adenylyl cyclase inhibition
induced by apelin 13 (10 nM) in the presence of forskolin (20 µM).
C) Apelin 13 (100 nM) promotes time-dependent
phosphorylation of p42/p44 ERKs and Akt proteins in U2OS cells that stably
expressed hAPJ and β-arrestin 2-GFP. D) Protamine pretreatment
(1 µM) inhibits ERKs and Akt phosphorylation induced by apelin 13 (100 nM) in
the U2OS cells that expressed hAPJ and β-arrestin 2-GFP. E)
Real-time measurement of β-arrestin 2 recruitment to APJ measured by BRET in
HEK293T cells that expressed hAPJ-Rluc and β-arrestin 2-YFP after addition, at
time 0, of 1 µM apelin 13 (▵) or PBS (O). As a negative control, similar
experiments were carried out on cells that transiently expressed only
Rluc-tagged hAPJ. F, G) Dose-response curve
of apelin 13 (F) or protamine (G) for
β-arrestin 2 recruitment to APJ measured by BRET in HEK293T cells that
transiently coexpressed hAPJ-Rluc and β-arrestin 2-YFP. H)
Protamine dose-dependently inhibits β-arrestin 2 recruitment to APJ induced by
apelin 13 (100 nM). Data are expressed as the percentage of the maximal BRET
signal obtained in HEK293T cells that transiently coexpressed Rluc-tagged hAPJ
and YFP-tagged β-arrestin 2 stimulated with apelin 13 at 100 nM (100%). Data
represent means ± sem of 5 (A, B),
21 (F), 6 (G), and 4 (H)
independent experiments or are representative of 1 experiment performed 3 times
independently (C, D, E).