Representative spectra from one human subject acquired in one session using SPECIAL (a), PRESS (b), PR-STEAM (c), and MEGA-PRESS (d). SPECIAL, PRESS, and PR-STEAM are all scaled identically. Since MEGA-PRESS’s signal is much smaller than the other sequences, the spectrum is scaled in order to maximize the visibility of the peaks within the spectrum (zoomed in x10,000). Data acquired using PRESS, SPECIAL, and PR-STEAM were analyzed using LCModel, and the MEGA-PRESS data was analyzed using Gannet 3.0. A single GSH resonance is observable at 2.95ppm in MEGA-PRESS spectrum (d, highlighted with a red box); whereas, the four GSH resonances at 2.15, 2.53, 2.95, and 3.77 ppm are present in the other three spectra (a–c). These resonances are highlighted with red boxes surrounding the locations for GSH at 3.77pm, 2.95ppm, and a combined box for peaks at 2.15 and 2.53 ppm.