Figure 4.
Ventral hippocampal afferents preferentially contact PV+ interneurons. A, Two-photon image of a PV+ interneuron (identified by Cre-dependent EGFP+ expression in a PV-2A-Cre × D1-tdTomato mouse) filled with Alexa-594 via the patch pipette. B, Average vHPC-evoked EPSCs recorded at −70 mV in pairs of D1+ and PV+ cells in the NAc medial shell. The triangle indicates a light pulse. C, Left, Quantification of EPSC amplitude in D1+ and PV+ neurons, indicating stronger vHPC inputs to PV+ cells, shown as means ± SEM, with lines connecting recorded pairs. Right, Ratios of D1+ to PV+ EPSC amplitudes, shown as geometric means with 95% confidence intervals. Note the logarithmic axis. D–F, Same as for A–C for D1+ versus SOM+ comparisons, illustrating stronger targeting of D1+ neurons by vHPC inputs. Scale bars, 20 μm. **p < 0.01.