(A) Left: fluorescence images of EGFP-Synapsin 1
condensates preincubated with either CaMKII (0.025 μg/μl),
calmodulin and calcium, or PKC, PS, DAG and calcium, upon addition, at 0
seconds, of ATP (200 μM), demonstrating dispersion of synapsin by CaMKII,
but not by PKC. Right: time course of the effect of the kinases on the
condensates, as assessed by the decrease of florescence on ROIs corresponding to
randomly selected droplets (B) Left: Fluorescence images of
liposome-synapsin condensates preincubated with CaMKII (0.25
μg/μl), calmodulin and calcium, upon addition, at 0 seconds, of
ATP (200 μM), demonstrating dispersion of both synapsin and liposomes.
Right: Time-course of the effect of CaMKII on liposome-synapsin droplets
dispersion. Error bars represent s.e.m.; dashed lines represent the fit with a
single exponential function. Incubations were carried out at RT in a buffer of
physiological salt concentration supplemented with 3% PEG 8,000.